Fіlе: portmon not connected
Niсk: sandhelsi
Comprеssiоn: RAR
Speed: 17 Mb/s
Dоwnlоаds: 95
Latest Release: 26.08.2012
Size: 25.32 MB
Connected - Dvd
Serial port monitor software | Dangerous.
Connected - Dvd
portmon not connected
serial port - Sysinternals' Portmon: Error.
CTX102620 - Error: Cannot connect to the.
Portmon equivalent for Win 7 64 bit.
Bestel nú Connected. Bestel € 20, gratis verzending.
Hi, Unfortunately, there isn’t a 64-bit version of Portmon available from Microsoft. If you want you will have to use third party software. Note: Using Portmon Not Connected Windows 7 Running Port Monitor Traces in Windows.
Sysinternals' Portmon works only on 32-bit versions of Windows. It does not support 64-bit (probably its driver is not signed). From the Portmon homepage:
Running Port Monitor Traces in Windows NT/2000/XP Sysinternal's PortMon (now owned by Microsoft) is a Microsoft Windows application used to monitor and analyze a
Portmon equivalent for Win 7 64 bit.